We are delighted that you have decided to become a member – or to renew your existing membership – of the British Institute for Libyan & Northern African Studies (BILNAS). We want to make this process as quick and straightforward as possible for you.
To pay your membership subscription
Click here to review our Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Read through the Information for Subscribers notes (below)
Complete the short Webform (below) ensuring that you choose the correct subscription option from the drop down menu (“Membership amount due”) and check the appropriate box to indicate which of the three methods of payment you will be using
Follow the instructions to complete your payment. You will be sent an email acknowledging your membership application/renewal once your payment has been processed
Information for Subscribers
The subscription year runs from 1st April 2025 – 31 March 2026 and the rate of subscription is £30 per annum. When making payment, either as a new member or as an existing subscriber, please select only the £30.00 payment option from the drop-down menu. There are NO OTHER PAYMENT OPTIONS valid at this time.
Subscriptions from Overseas may be paid either online, using your credit/debit card, or by electronic transfer through a British bank. If you wish to pay by cheque in US dollars, the rate is US$60.00 for the year. For more information about payment options, see below.
If you wish to use the BILNAS Library, currently housed at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), you must obtain a Letter of Introduction EACH YEAR confirming your membership of the Institute: please tick the relevant box when completing the Webform below.
Payment Options
If you wish to pay by bank transfer and/or set up an annual standing order, simply complete your bank transfer instructions using the details provided below. Please note, if you choose this option, it is your responsibility to pay ALL the bank charges.
Payee: BILNAS – British Institute for Libyan & Northern African Studies
Bank: National Westminster Bank, Moorgate Branch, PO Box 72, Moorgate, London, EC2M 6XT
Sort code: 56-00-23
Account No: 08213550
IBAN: GB37NWBK56002308213550
Payment reference should be ‘[Your surname] Subscription’.
If you wish to pay by cheque simply click on the “Download Form” button below, print out and complete the form, and return this together with your cheque to the British Institute for Libyan & North African Studies. Please note, if you wish to pay by check in US dollars, the rate is $60.00 for the year.
Donations to BILNAS
As a UK Registered Charity the British Institute for Libyan & Northern African Studies (BILNAS) welcomes individual and corporate donations, which help us to maintain a full fieldwork and publications programme. Many of our members choose to add a donation to their annual subscription payments. To make a donation or for more details about sponsorship opportunities and other ways in which you can support the Institute and its work, please visit the Sponsorship & Donations page of this website.