Northern African – Ottoman Relations in History (17th – 20th Centuries) by Dr Odile Moreau
Lecture: Late Ottoman Period Libya in the Age of Reforms (1835-1912) by Dr Odile Moreau (Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III) This lecture intends
The Institute organises both live in-person events and online ‘virtual’ lectures and webinars hosted on the Zoom platform.
If you wish to contact BILNAS about our events programme, please email the General Secretary at:
Lecture: Late Ottoman Period Libya in the Age of Reforms (1835-1912) by Dr Odile Moreau (Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III) This lecture intends
Lecture: The Ottoman-Italian War of 1911-12: Conflict and Consequences by Prof Benjamin C. Fortna (University of Arizona). This lecture, jointly hosted by
Lecture: Micro-regional Urbanism in Roman North Africa by Dr Paul Scheding, Assistant Professor at the Department of Classical Archaeology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich. During
The British-Ottoman War and the Sanussiyya Invasion of Egypt by Dr John Slight (Open University) A Joint Online Lecture with the British
The Society for Libyan Studies Annual Lecture: Always on the Edge? The Spaces of North African History by Prof. James McDougall (University
Garamantian Pottery: Change and Exchange in an Inter-Regional Perspective by Maria Carmela Gatto Members of the Society for Libyan Studies are well
Shālla as a Site of Royal Presence: Constructing the Sultanic Image in Fourteenth-Century Morocco by Péter T Nagy The funerary complex located
Anglo-Libyan Relations in the 20th Century by Rupert Wieloch This talk will discuss how Britain’s policy of non-interference in Libya was tested
Inscriptions of Libya: An International Workshop This workshop, organised by the Institute of Classical Studies and the Society for Libyan Studies, marks
'Building the Countryside: Rural Architecture and Settlement in Tripolitania during the Roman and Late Antique Periods' by Nichole Sheldrick This talk will
The Institute organises both live in-person events and online ‘virtual’ lectures and webinars hosted on the Zoom platform.
If you wish to contact BILNAS about our events programme, please email the General Secretary at:
If you would like to view a recording of one of our past lectures or webinars, please follow this link and click on the title of the event which you would like to stream online.