Anglo-Libyan Relations in the 20th Century by Rupert Wieloch
Anglo-Libyan Relations in the 20th Century by Rupert Wieloch This talk will discuss how Britain’s policy of non-interference in Libya was tested
The Institute organises both live in-person events and online ‘virtual’ lectures and webinars hosted on the Zoom platform.
If you wish to contact BILNAS about our events programme, please email the General Secretary at:
Anglo-Libyan Relations in the 20th Century by Rupert Wieloch This talk will discuss how Britain’s policy of non-interference in Libya was tested
'Building the Countryside: Rural Architecture and Settlement in Tripolitania during the Roman and Late Antique Periods' by Nichole Sheldrick This talk will
'Under the Same Sky: Regionalising Ancient North Africa' by Josephine Quinn, Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford. The British Institute for
'In Search of the Sources of the Sources: Exploring Fatimid Libraries of North Africa' by Dr Kumail Rajani, University of Exeter Soon
The BILNAS Archive: Past, Present and Future by Felicity Crowe (BILNAS Archivist) The BILNAS Archive is a rich resource of material relating
The British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies Annual Lecture: "Agencies of Behavioural Change in Early Humans in North Africa" by
This new book by David Mattingly offers a refreshing, ground-breaking study that challenges orthodox views and proposes a new framework for understanding
Dr Anna Walas discusses the exceptionally well-preserved Roman military base at Bu Njem. Her research fills the gap in the regional picture
Dr Kristian Göransson presents the history of Greeks living in the colonies in Cyrenaica from the 7th century BC onwards who came
The Institute organises both live in-person events and online ‘virtual’ lectures and webinars hosted on the Zoom platform.
If you wish to contact BILNAS about our events programme, please email the General Secretary at:
If you would like to view a recording of one of our past lectures or webinars, please follow this link and click on the title of the event which you would like to stream online.