Excavations At Sabratha, Volume II. The Finds, Part 1. The Amphorae, Coarse Pottery And Building Materials

Excavations At Sabratha, Volume II. The Finds, Part 1. The Amphorae, Coarse Pottery And Building Materials


by John Dore (Author); Nina Keay (Author); Hazel Dodge (Author)

Published by: Society for Libyan Studies | Series: Society for Libyan Studies Monograph | Volume: 1 | Year of Publication: 1989 | Language: Arabic/English 298p, b/w illustrations 

ISBN: 9780950836355


Paperback: Members £6.75; Non-members £8.95 from Casemate UK 

e-Book: available here as an Open Access eBook 


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This is the first report on the finds from K. Kenyon’s and J. B. Ward-Perkins’ excavations at Sabratha from 1948-1951, and contains full discussion and catalogues. This volume constitutes a landmark in the study of Punic and Roman pottery from Sabratha and Tripolitania, not only covering new dated types but also quantified studies and analysis It will be a lasting reference to the pottry from this area, and invaluable also for what it brings to the historical picture of this city.

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